Implementation Plan
The most critical action UR can take following creation of the Sustainability Plan is ensuring a successful transition from strategy to implementation. This involves associating each action with deliverables, responsible parties, resource requirements, implementation milestones, metrics, and timelines to build an understanding of the resources required to carry out plan goals.
Putting this plan into effect will require allocation of tasks, acquisition of funding, intentional sequencing of strategies, coordination across functional areas, and consistent communication of initiatives. To support this considerable effort over the next six years, an implementation plan has been created. This roadmap, which will be managed by the Office for Sustainability and supported by the Sustainability and Environmental Awareness Committee (SEAC), delineates timelines, responsible parties, cost, performance indicators, and status of each strategy and associated action in the plan. It is intended to function both as a project management and accountability tool.
SEAC subcommittees, which are organized around each plan goal, will meet regularly and welcome new members. The cross-functional nature of sustainability invites participation not only of students, staff, faculty from across the University, but also alumni and community members.
University of Richmond is committed to yearly assessment and reporting of our sustainability progress. Ongoing evaluation and communication allows us to learn from our efforts, showcase successes, and share new opportunities. The annual Sustainability Report will communicate straightforward, easy-to-interpret metrics on a user-friendly platform.
The Sustainability Plan is intended to be a living document that will be reviewed, updated and amended as needed. It must be able to adapt to new opportunities, offer value to congruent initiatives, and respond to changing demands. This plan establishes a foundation from which we will continue to explore new ideas that increase our capacity for stewardship and leadership in a changing world.
Phase 1: Fall 2019 - Spring 2020
Unify and strengthen current sustainability efforts:
-Incorporate sustainability into student and staff orientation programs
-Increase opportunities to engage in sustainable coursework
-Support integration of sustainability into high-impact educational practices like themed semesters and living learning communities
-Reduce energy use on campus
-Complete restoration of Little Westham Creek
-Finish Rethink Waste bin and signage rollout
Phase 2: Summer 2020 - Spring 2023
Develop capacity and expand the campus community’s ability to integrate sustainability into all that we do:
-Provide more sustainability educational and training resources for students, faculty, and staff
-Support interdisciplinary sustainability research
-Increase the number of sustainability events on campus
-Conduct a solar feasibility study on campus
-Establish sustainable food procurement goals
-Introduce composting into all back-of-house dining
-Reduce water use
-Improve connectivity with greater Richmond region
Phase 3: Summer 2023 - Spring 2025
Position University of Richmond as a leader in sustainability:
-Divert 75% of waste from the landifll by 2025
-Complete an on-campus waste sorting center
-Achieve a STARS Platinum rating