University of Richmond conserves energy on many fronts, from air-conditioning and lighting to laundry services and appliances. For a quick overview of sustainability and energy at a University, national, and global level, take a look at our energy fact sheet.
In 2011, the University transitioned from coal to natural gas as the primary fuel for the steam plant that heats many buildings on campus. This greatly reduced the University's greenhouse gas emissions. Buildings on campus also use a central energy management system to control and optimize heating, ventilation and air conditioning, and residence halls feature energy-efficient laundry machines that reduce energy and water usage.
The University has conducted lighting retrofits using LED bulbs in both residence halls and academic buildings, installed thermal windows, and upgraded power generation units to significantly reduce energy demand. Classrooms use energy-efficient lighting strategies that include occupancy sensors, timed controls, and photocells. All appliances in residence halls and apartments are required to be energy-efficient, Energy Star compliant appliances.
Through all of these efforts, our building energy usage has decreased by 11% compared to our 2008 baseline levels.
Conserve Energy & Be a Green Spider
Learn more about what you can do to conserve energy here.